Use this connector to have Foundational scan and determine lineage and downstream impact for Google Datstream pipelines.
This setup should take about 5 minutes.
You need to have permissions for creating a service account (iam.serviceAccounts.create
) and assigning a service account to a project (Project admin)
1. Create a service account for Foundational
If you already created one, you can skip this step and use the one you already have.
Go into the IAM & Admin page of your Google Cloud account
Select “Service Accounts” in the left menu, and then select the relevant Google Cloud project
Create a new Service Account
Fill in the account details
2. Create a key for the service account
Now that the new account is created, select it from the Service Accounts page
Next, we need to add a key to the account. Click on the Keys tab, and then on the Add Key button
Create a new key
Select JSON as the Key type and click Create
Download the newly created key to your local machine
3. Configure Datastream connector in Foundational
Go to the Connectors page
Click on Datastream
Click on "Upload New Account Key"
Upload the JSON key file from the previous step
That's it! You are done.